Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sabayon Linux 5 : Linux 2u

Sabayon Linux 5 : Linux 2u


What’s New ?

    * Less than 2GB size (1.6GB for Sabayon5 GNOME x86)
    * Based on new GCC 4.4.1 and Glibc 2.10
    * Shipped with Desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.31
    * Providing extra Server-optimized and OpenVZ-enabled kernels in repositories
    * Installer now available in multiple languages
    * Complete Ext4 filesystem support (used by default)
    * Complete Encrypted filesystems support
    * Featuring X.Org 7.5 and up-to-date FLOSS, NVIDIA, AMD video drivers
    * Containing GNOME 2.26 (2.28 ready) and KDE 4.3.1
    * Outstanding 3D Desktop applications (Compiz, Compiz Fusion and KWin)   working out of the box
    * Bringing Entropy Framework (Package Manager) 0.99.3
    * Shipped with OpenOffice 3.1 productivity suite, Multimedia applications
    * Transform Sabayon into an full-featured HTPC Operating System (Media Center) using XBMC
    * Shipped with World of Goo Demo - best 2D game ever!
    * Sexiest Skin ever! (Ian Whyman rocks)
    * Ready for Sabayon 6 (someday!)


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